Romain Deveaud
homepage of a reformed ruby geek
Romain Deveaud
romain.deveaud at
I am a data enthusiast, hacking and researching solutions to problems at the intersection of Information Retrieval (search), Natural Language Processing, and Machine Learning in general.
I hold a PhD in computer science, where the focus of my research was to improve the effectiveness of search systems by modelling and identifying the different concepts of simple - and often ambiguous - keyword queries.

I worked for a variety of academic (Universities of Glasgow, Toulouse, and Avignon) and industry (Yellow Pages Canada, OpenEdition) organisations, where I developed over the years the many practical and theoretical skills needed for the modern Data Scientist.
I authored more than 20 papers published in top tier journals and conferences related to Data Mining, Information Retrieval and NLP (ACM TOIS, CIKM, SIGIR, ACL), and participated several times in data challenges and workshops mainly related to Information Retrieval topics (TREC, INEX, NTCIR).

I currently live in the French countryside with my family, passionate about riding sports, and advocating for working remotely in a calm and healthy environment.